Monday, July 21, 2008

Stop Patronizing Siam

In light of recent event, the obvious question that came to my mind was WHAT SHOULDN’T Mr. HUN SEN DO?

Siam has blatantly violated Khmer sovereignty not once but twice since the temple of Preah Vihear was listed as a World Heritage site. On one occasion, three civilian crossed the border and were detained but were handed back to Siam authority. That was understandable in so far as since the intruders were civilians. The last act was not excusable and was very provocative. Forty or so of Siam soldiers crossed the border with the intent of drawing fire from the Khmer troop. Luckily no fire was shot.What would happen have Khmer soldiers took the bait and open fire? Return fires from the 40 odd Siam soldiers are expected and back-up fire from hidden contingencies is highly probable. I am not sure how many units of Khmer soldiers are deployed in the area, but the number should be increased to a minimum of a battalion size with appropriate supports units.This deployment should not be designed to provoke Siam, but to show that we are ready and able to defend our land. Our intention should be made crystal clear.

We must register our complaints with the UN and other international agencies. A border watch organization should be invited to observe the situation.The arrogance and the aggression of Siam should serve as a reminder to Khmer leadership that the Siamese government cannot be trusted and that as Khmers we should be vigilant in this regard. As Khmers, we cannot dismiss this as a mere political move by this or that faction (Siam or Khmer). This intrusion must be seen in its seriousness and we all must do our part.We have seen what Siam has done: the shooting of Khmer civilians, the canceling of 1000 or so tourist to srok Khmer, and the invasion of Siam troop. These are just the beginning. I am sure there are more to come: when and how is the question.

As Khmers living overseas, w can do something to help: stop patronizing Siam. Stop giving them businesses. Stop spending our hard-earned dollars or Euros in Siam. Our government must make it known to Siam about this fact.An apology is in order here, Siam. And it is high time that you, Siam, accept the fact that Preah Vihear is Khmer’s: always was, always will be.

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Spring, Texas, United States